At Bax, we’re in the business of getting your home looking good. As passionate as we are about squeaky-clean windows, we’re willing to admit that professional window cleaning isn’t the only thing you can do to get your home in top shape.
There are a number of other businesses in Melbourne performing a variety of services with the same goal in mind: to make your home look the best it can be. In the spirit of helping you get the results your home deserves, we’ve made a ‘Home Maintenance Checklist’ to help you achieve an exterior you can be proud of.
Gutter Cleaning
Much like when you sweep dirt under the carpet, the effects of unclean gutters are not seen straightaway but are eventually felt. But in the case of unclean gutters, the consequences can be a bit more serious than an earful from your better half.
A gutter’s job is to collect roof run-off. If they are full of leaves and dirt, they can’t do their job. On the one hand, if your gutters overflow because of wet leaf build-up the moisture can damage your walls. On the other, if dry leaves are left in your guttering system they can present a serious fire hazard.
Neither damp walls nor fire damage are particularly good for the appearance of your home.
Bax Clean are also gutter cleaning experts. We provide friendly service, reliable appointment times and professional gutter cleaning to the highest standard.

Garden Maintenance
Those pesky neighbours, always peeking over the fence and judging us on our overgrown lawns and untamed hedges. I’ve been busy, okay?!
Your garden is the first thing people see when admiring the exterior of your house. But it makes it difficult to appreciate how nice and clean your windows are when reflected in them is a landscape of weeds.
The Man with the Lawn Mower is our first port of call at Bax when we’re after affordable, professional gardening services. Whether you have a compact yard or acres of lawn, the team at The Man with a Lawn Mower are guaranteed to do the job efficiently and with a smile on their faces.
Clean Windows
You knew it, I knew it, we all knew it was coming.
Of course clean windows are one of the most important steps in getting your house looking as good as possible. It’s like the icing on the cake – an otherwise well-maintained house just wouldn’t look as good with dirty windows.
The team at Bax Clean provide quality window cleaning services seven days a week, so you can spend your weekends sipping lattes and watching us do the work. All fully-insured and accredited, our team will get your windows looking spotless every time.